Kaila, Anna-Mikaela Moduli 225 – A Gem of modern architecture


Moduli 225 is a modular timber frame system for holiday homes developed from 1968 to 1974 by by the Finnish architects Kristian Gullichsen and Juhani Pallasmaa. Through the use of prefabricated standard elements, the system allowed anyone to construct a building of high aesthetic quality in a flexible and modifiable way by combining components according to their personal preferences.

Through the Moduli system, the industrial serial production of components was successfully combined with freedom of choice, individuality, proportional harmony and modernist expression. The simple standard shape and geometry and the humane scale and harmony of proportion of Moduli all represent universal aesthetics.

Moduli, as well as the idealism, open-mindedness and omnipotence present in its spirit, have been inspiring worldwide audiences for over 40 years. “Well, this was a kind of utopia for us. And utopias, they never come true. [...] A realised utopia which was not realised after all,” laughs Kristian Gullichsen.

The book is also available in Finnish Moduli 225 - modernin arkkitehtuurin helmi

€21.00 / pcs

Total: €21.00


Page count
Size (width x height)
212 x 216
hard cover, sewn bound
colour illustrations

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