Lehtonen, Miikka (ed.) Doing Design Business in Japan: Experiences from Hirameki


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Doing Design Business in Japan: Experiences from Hirameki Have you ever considered Japan as a potential market for your products, but did not know how to succeed there? Is your knowledge of Japanese culture and business etiquette based on samurai movies, manga, Lonely Planet and sushi restaurants? If your answer is yes, please read on… JaBuPro (Japan Business Project) research team’s Doing Design Business in Japan: Experiences from Hirameki provides you with hands-on tools and skills for successfully entering the Japanese design market or organizing a design export platform in Japan. Drawing on research conducted during Hirameki Design x Finland – an export initiative of Finnish cutting-edge design – this book illustrates why Japan is such an important market for design products. Topics covered in this book focus on storytelling, practicalities and culture, design export platforms, and business models for entering the Japanese market. This book has been written for designers, design-intensive companies, students and researchers, and for everyone interested in Japan or design. You can also find it in electronic format in http://www.jabupro.fi.

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