Muñoz Alcántara, David
Aesthetic Praxis In Translation
Introduction and Translation of Alberto Híjar Serrano's: Aesthetic Praxis. The Aesthetic Dimension of Liberation
To the question of Praxis engaged at its Aesthetic dimension, this work
proposes to intersect the necessity of translation as a militant method
for the articulation of broad and concrete signs of art as the
class-struggle in the imagination. This study is centered on Alberto
Híjar Serrano's profound critical understandings of the
aesthetic-political significance and limits in historical materialism,
and the impossibility to separate practice and theory. It contextualizes
what the author refers to the aesthetic praxis –providing an
unavoidable source, to engage in contemporary aesthetic discussions
without overlooking its social aspects and beyond sole interpretations.
This document is divided into two sections:
I. Functions as an introduction to the significance of Hijar's body of
knowledge; not by summarizing a record of achievements but by
incorporating and mobilizing his conceptual framework through the action
of translating as a cognitive entanglement.
II. Presents the first English-language translation of Alberto Híjar
Serrano: La Praxis Estética. Dimension Estética Libertaria [Aesthetic
Praxis, The Aesthetic Dimension of Liberation] published in Mexico, 2013
by National Institute of Fine Arts and Literature–INBA. An anthology
compiled by Miguel Angel Esquivel.
In sum,
this study articulates conceptual and concrete forms of poetic
revolutionary praxes and their memory. It contributes to the recovery of
what Híjar Serrano names "the other history." A knowledge that escapes
the dialectical rationale and constitutes the source and power of
social-revolutionary transformations in practice.
Read the book here